With the soaring costs of new oil and coolant as well as the stricter environmental laws regarding disposal of these fluids,
the need for the GLANON FILTER-CART portable filtration/reclamation system is clearly evident. Our portable filtration/reclamation
system is a very effective user-friendly tool, and the industry applications are many.
We would like to highlight just a few of the industries, which are already benefiting by using our systems.
* Power Generating Stations: Fluids Reclaimed Turbine Oil, Gear Oil, Hydraulic Oil, Transformer Oil, Boiler Feed Pump
Lube Oil, Coal Pulverizing Gear Lube, Cooling Tower Gear Reducer Oil
* Petrochemical Industry (Refinery): Fluids Reclaimed Turbine Oil, Compressor Oil, Gear Oil, Hydraulic Oil, Transformer
Oil, Boiler Feed Pump Lube Oil, Coal Pulverizing Gear Lube, Cooling Tower Gear Reducer Oil
*Machine Tool Industry (Machine Shops): Fluids Reclaimed - Cutting Oil, Machine Tooling Coolants, EDM fluids, Machinery
Lube Oil, Way Lube, Biodegradable Parts Washing Fluid, Gear Oil
* Plastics Injection Molding: Fluids Reclaimed Hydraulic Oil, Cooling Tower Gear Reducer Oil
* Marine Industry (Shipboard & Shipyards): Fluids Reclaimed - Turbine Oil, Gear Oil, Hydraulic Oil, Transformer Oil,
Boiler Feed Pump Lube Oil, Coal Pulverizing Gear Lube, Cooling Tower Gear Reducer Oil
* Construction Industry (Site & Off Road Equipment): Fluids Reclaimed Hydraulic Oil, Machinery Lube Oil, Biodegradable
Cleaning Fluid
* Automotive Assembly Plants: Fluids Reclaimed Robotic Hydraulic Fluid, Cooling Tower Gear Reducer Oil, Boiler Feed Pump
Lube Oil, Biodegradable Parts Washing Fluid
* Paper Mills: Fluids Reclaimed - Turbine Oil, Gear Oil, Hydraulic Oil, Transformer Oil, Boiler Feed Pump Lube Oil, Coal
Pulverizing Gear Lube, Cooling Tower Gear Reducer Oil
* Mining Industry: Fluids Reclaimed - Hydraulic Oil, Machinery Lube Oil, Biodegradable Cleaning Fluid
Our Filter-Carts have logged an enormous amount of field operating experience. As a result, Glanon International, Inc.
offers more production models, which are uniquely engineered for specific applications.
Electric Power Generating Plant |

Glanon Filter-Carts Purify 1,000's of Gallons of Oil Daily |